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Klim ToT

This EP is a sonic love letter to the enchanting beauty of Mount Shasta.

In ancient times, our elders knew how to interact with the elements—earth, water, air, and fire. Our music incorporates these primal energies into a transformative journey for the listener.

Just as Heart Lake conveys Mount Shasta’s majestic nature, musical motives and rhythmic textures mirror our inner visions.

This EP honors Heart Lake and the wilderness with melodies that reflect the echoes wandering across Mount Shasta peaks.

4 Tracks EP

released August 22, 2024


All tracks composed by KlimToT( Dima Klim) & Sasha Drey.

KlimToT – Didgeridoo, jaw harp, flutes, synth.
Drey – Vocal, guitar, synth, throat singing, clarinet.

Mastering by Dima Klim.

#electronic #ambient #medicine #music #klimtot #japan #ibiza #downtempo #dub #dubstep #glitchhop #globalbass #grooveoriental #psybass #psychedelic


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