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Sonic Samadhi & Kalya Scintilla

Tender hearts and connected souls, we proudly announce the first official release of Sonic Samadhi. An ambient favorite that has slowly grown over time and is just now blossoming for the world.

Open Ancient Eyes has become a leading top album that we have chosen to feature here because of the mythic blueprint it holds. OAE was always designed with an ambient journey in mind and here she is, 11 years later.

A very very special celebratory moment for us all. You’re invited to take a sublime melodic journey dedicated to gently welcoming you into the present moment, consciously connecting you, and expanding into the infinite.

8 Tracks Album

released August 8, 2024


Mastering: Audible Oddities
Artwork: Andreia Mendes (Fada)

#electronic #sydney #ambient #healing #minimal #meditative #medicine #meditativetrance #Australia #Hawaii


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